TAPU | Title Deed
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TAPU | Title Deed
A Tapu is an official document in the registry to show you own an estate. Translated it means title deeds, and we will clarify what language is used on a Tapu in this article. Turkish tapus issues, lodges and archives are at the Land Registry and Cadastre Directorate of Turkey.
To prove the document’s legality, a stamp will appear in the middle at the bottom. For most instances, the image of the owner is often suffixed and sealed to the Tapu’s top-right, but that’s not necessary. More than one person’s name can appear on the title deeds, in which case it will display the respective shares.
Turkish Tapu Explained: Meanings of Terms Used
Taşınmaz bilgileri/Property Information: Information about address of the property
• İl: City
• İlçe: Town
• Mahalle/Köy: District/Village
• Ada: Block number
• Parsel: Parcel number
• Yüz Ölçümü: Size of the land area
• Niteliği: Feature (whether it is vacant, cultivated or land with buildings)
Bağımsız Bölüm/Independent Section: Information about the independent unit such as a apartment, house, etc.• Arsa Payı: Land share
• Proje Alanı: Project squaremeters
• Blok/Giriş/Kat No: Block/Entrance/Floor numbers
• Bağımsız Bölüm No: Structural statuses like if it is an independent flat, house, or duplex unit number
• Cilt/Sayfa No: Number of volume/page Malik bilgileri/Owner Information: Information about owners of the property
• Adı/Soyadı – Baba Adı: Name(s) of current owner(s) and his/her father
• Hissesi: Share Tescile ilişkin bilgiler/Registration information: Information about location, price and type of property
• Taşınmaz Tip/No: Type and number of property
• Edinme Sebebi: Reason for purchase
• İşlem Bedeli: Purchase price
• Konum Bilgisi: Adress information (QR Code)
• Tescil Tarihi/Yevmiye No: Registration date
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